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k'pure Naturals Journal & Blog

Skincare Dos and Don’ts for the Mindful Consumer

Skincare Dos and Don’ts for the Mindful Consumer
At k’pure, we believe that what you put on your body is just as important as what you put in your body. Whether it's safeguarding your skin from the sun or deciphering the extensive ingredient list on your deodorant label — it’s important to not only be informed about the products your consuming, but to be intentional with how you use them. Continue reading

Best Practices for Applying Your Skincare Routine

Best Practices for Applying Your Skincare Routine
In the ever-evolving world of skincare, mastering the art of application is key to unlocking the full potential of your favourite products. In this guide, we'll delve into the nuances of skincare application, offering insights to ensure you're getting the most out of your beloved products and making them last longer. Continue reading

Avoid These 6 All-Too-Common Skincare Mistakes

Avoid These 6 All-Too-Common Skincare Mistakes
The world of skincare is an overwhelming, bursting-at-the-seems, pot of information. Some information is true, and some are “trendy” and in the long run unhelpful. To help you make sense of the abundance of information, we've collected the top six most-common skincare mistakes to help you avoid them too. Continue reading